Hi, I’m Yu
illustrator, photographer and rookie cultural anthropology researcher based in Poznań, Poland.
From early years, writing has been an essential medium for me, and I tend to think of my commitment to visual arts as an extension of the narration opportunities. A drawn line itself can carry at least the same storytelling value as word does, at one point. For me, the most fun is navigating the possible visual ways to tell a story
ilustrations: business | brand | editorial | mixed media
photography: portrait | object | event | artistic | analog
research: | food and sexuality | food and femininity | posthumanisms
Contemporary Lynx Magazine Award in The 38th Edition of Maria Dokowicz Competition for the Best Diploma Project of the University of the Arts Poznań
Special Waldemar Śliwczyński Award in XXV National Photography Competition “Portrait”, Trzcianka
Mutagenesis | ACK Cicha 4, Lublin;
Wschody | ACK Chatka Żaka, Lublin;
Wasteland Biennale Biennale Nieużytków | Abandoned swimming pool at Kasprowicz Park, Poznań;
The Astronomer’s Dream Sen Astronoma, Astronomical Observatory UAM;
Plagiarism! Plagiat! | UAP City Galleries;
The Observatory Obserwatorium | R20 Gallery, Poznan;
The 38th Edition of Maria Dokowicz Competition for the Best Diploma Project of the University of the Arts Poznan | Poznań International Fair;
Rebels and Dreamers Buntownicy i marzyciele, WBPiCAK, Poznań, CKiS Wieża Ciśnień Gallery, Konin;
Tradition in the lens Tradycja w obiektywie, Mikołajki Folkowe, CSK Lublin;
The Ventriloquist and silent images Brzuchomówca i milczące obrazy | Labyrinth Gallery, Lublin;
Pandemics. Art in The Times of Plague | virtual exhibition by Pinata Foundation;
Coincidence Koincydencja | XIII Close Strangers: Ukraine Festival, Polish Theater in Poznań;
The Ear of Rise | VR exhibition, CKiS Wieża Ciśnień Gallery, Konin.
What do we eat? The anthropomorphization of food in the context of modern mythology Co jemy? Antropomorfizacja jedzenia w kontekście mitologii współczesnej, in “(Dis) taste in the texts of the 19th – 21st century culture” „(Nie)smak w tekstach kultury XIX – XXI wieku”, edited by Barbara Zwolińska, Publishing House of the University of Gdańsk;
Foodtruck at the funeral: methamorphosis in perception of death on the example of mourning dishes Foodrtuck na pogrzebie: metamorfozy postrzegania śmierci na przykładzie posiłków żałobnych, w „Śmierć, umieranie przemijanie w optyce literaturze, sztuki, historii i nauk o kulturze”, edited by Szymon Przeklasa, Siemianowice Śląskie, „dzień dobry! kolektyw kultury”
Women’s meat: pseudo-cannibalism and oppression in popular culture Mięso kobiet: pseudo-kanibalizm i opresja w kulturze popularnej, Body in cultural narration Conference Konferencja „Ciało w narracjach kulturowych, Miłośnicy Oświecenia Science Club at University of Łódź
In the honour of fertility: women of the ranches, women of the opposition Ku czci płodności: kobiety rancza, kobiety opozycji, Culture of Exclusion Conference VII: Animals, Institute of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University, Department of Pedagogical Ethics in Cracow
Eating You (symbolically): a brief sketch on contemporary East European mourning dishes transformation through Dieter Rams’ good design principles, Trauma and Nightmare – 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference (Online), InMind
I would eat you: women’s sexual appetite in the context of relations with food Schrupałbym Cię: seksualny apetyt kobiet w kontekście relacji z jedzeniem, 4th National Scientific Interdisciplinary approach to sexuality Conference, Tygiel Foundation for the Development of Science
On dogs: the contradictions of keeping pets by vegans Pieski temat: o sprzecznościach związanych z posiadaniem zwierząt przez weganek i wegan, IV seminar Transfigurations of veganism. Material and non-material aspects of a meat-free diet, University of Silesia in Katowice and Humanitas University in Sosnowiec
Liberation by food: feminist aspect of the culinary activities of the Rural Housewives Circles in Greater Poland Wyzwolenie przez jedzenie: feministyczny aspekt działalności Kół Gospodyń Wiejskich w Wielkopolsce, XCVII General Meeting of The Polish Ethnological Society Delegates
The right to enjoyment: social and cultural limitations of women’s appetites Prawo na przyjemność: o kulturowych i społecznych ograniczeniach apetytów kobiet, 5th National Scientific Interdisciplinary approach to sexuality Conference, Tygiel Foundation for the Development of Science.