Appetite examines the food theme in the context of human corporeality, far beyond the physiological functions. The 1: 1 scale prints show human bodies which combine the anatomically accurate image of a modern Vitruvian human with animal-skin carpets laid flat on the floors of a wealthy house. Paradoxically real and at the same time surrealistic due to almost surgical cuts, images of the body introduce anxiety of improper treatment of the human individual. These are regular bodies with born and acquired marks, which balance on the edge of repulsive disgust and chimeric 3D skins originated from video games. Short films which accompany the prints were made in the aesthetics of silhouette interview used to hide the identity of the criminal but also the victims. They present the statements of three women on their complicated relations with food, not limited by stereotypical visions of eating disorders and the lack of self-acceptance through non-acceptance of their own body. This dependence affects the social and intimate areas of life, even those which seem to be distant from body or food at the first sight.